.hero-container.blhero2.skhero1 -#= image_tag "/images/home/hero-bg-left.svg", class: "hero-bg hero-bg-left", alt: "Gitlab hero background left svg" -#= image_tag "/images/home/hero-bg-right.svg", class: "hero-bg hero-bg-right", alt: "Gitlab hero background right svg" %span.hero-wave .hero-content .row .col-md-8 %h1.bold-headline.margin-top0.hero-item Empower your team to thrive remotely .hero-item.text-left %p At GitLab, our all-remote team works from 65+ countries to build the leading collaboration tool for DevOps. Discover everything we've learned in our %span.form-lightbox-open.form-lightbox-open-span Remote Work Playbook. .buttons-container.margin-top20.hero-item.u-margin-top-sm = link_to "/free-trial/", class: "btn cta-btn large orange-light" do Try GitLab for FREE = link_to "/demo/", class: "btn cta-btn large btn-white flex-container align-center" do .i.fas.fa-play.play-icon Watch a demo .col-md-4.special-link.form-lightbox-open %p %a = image_tag "/images/home/remote-playbook-cover-rotated.png" %span Download the Remote Playbook %script{src: "/javascripts/libs/tweenmax.min.js", type: "text/javascript"}