%section.open-core .container .row %article.col-sm-12.col-lg-4.col-lg-push-8 %h2.main-heading Open core and continuously improved %p With major product releases every 22nd of the month, GitLab’s high-velocity pace of innovation is possible because of the collaboration of the GitLab community, delivering the leading modern software development product, built for today’s modern software developer. %aside.col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-lg-7.col-lg-pull-4 .top-30-callout.js-all-clickable %div = link_to "/blog/2017/07/06/gitlab-top-30-highest-velocity-open-source/" do = image_tag "/images/home/cloud-native-computing-foundation-logo.png", alt: 'Cloud Native Computing Foundation Logo' %p %span among the %em top %strong 30 %span highest velocity %span open source projects .contributors-callout %p %strong 1,900+ %span contributors