%section.home-pillars .container.u-hide-overflow .values-pillars.js-values-pillars %article.value .value-content %h3.sub-heading = partial "images/home/icon-eye.svg" %span.label Visible Real time view across the entire lifecycle %ul %li See everything that matters %li Stay in your flow %li Don’t wait on syncing %li Manage projects, not tools %li Improve cycle time .value-media .screen-shot-wrapper = image_tag "/images/home/visible-spot-image.jpg" %article.value .value-content %h3.sub-heading = partial "images/home/icon-clock.svg" %span.label Efficient Collaborate without waiting %ul %li Start immediately %li Work concurrently %li No more handoffs .value-media .screen-shot-wrapper = image_tag "/images/home/release-screenshot.jpg" %article.value .value-content %h3.sub-heading = partial "images/home/icon-todo-done.svg" %span.label Governed Develop and operate with confidence %ul %li Security and compliance already built-in %li Simplify user management %li Expedite auditing %li Act with certainty .value-media .screen-shot-wrapper = image_tag "/images/home/verify-screenshot.jpg"