.sdlc-container.position-relative .sdlc-description = link_to "/concurrent-devops", class: "title-link" do %h2 GitLab is a complete DevOps platform %p :markdown With GitLab, you get a complete CI/CD toolchain in a single application. One interface. One conversation. One permission model. Thousands of features. You'll be amazed at everything GitLab can do today. And we're just getting started. .table-container %p.table-label.single-application-label GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. %p.table-label.separate-application-label Compare to .sdlc-table - Gitlab::Homepage::Stage.all!.select{|stage| stage.marketing}.each do |stage| .sdlc-column .stage-container %a{href: "/stages-devops-lifecycle/#{stage.key}/"} = partial "/includes/icons/sdlc-icons/#{stage.key}.svg" %a{href: "/stages-devops-lifecycle/#{stage.key}/"} %p #{stage.display_name} .solutions-container - active_categories = stage.categories.select { |c| c.marketing && c.maturity && c.maturity != "planned"} - upcoming_categories = stage.categories.select { |c| c.marketing && c.maturity && c.maturity == "planned"} - if active_categories.length >= 1 .current-categories %p.font-bold Since #{stage.established} GitLab added: - active_categories.each do |category| %p - url = category.best_link %a{ href: "#{url}" } #{category.name} .future-categories %p.font-bold Future %br - if upcoming_categories.length >= 1 = succeed ':' do %a.font-bold{ href: "#{stage.direction}"} direction - else %a.font-bold{ href: "#{stage.direction}"} direction - upcoming_categories.each do |category| %p - url = category.best_link %a.future-category{ href: "#{url}", target: "_blank" } #{category.name} .devops-tools-wrapper{ id: "#{stage.key}-devops_tools-container" } %p.replace-text.font-bold Functionally similar to .devops-tools-container - stage.devops_tools.each do |devops_tool| %a.devops-tool-logo-container{ href: "/devops-tools/#{devops_tool.key.dup.tr('_', '-')}-vs-gitlab.html" } .devops-tool-tooltip %p.tooltip-text = devops_tool.name .tooltip-carat = image_tag "#{devops_tool.logo}", class: "devops-tool-logo", alt: "#{devops_tool.name} logo png" %p.text-center.color-gray.font-small.margin-top30 .btn-group.margin-top20 %a.btn.cta-btn.orange.see-all-comparisons{ href: '/devops-tools/' } Compare all DevOps tools .btn-group.margin-top20 %a.btn.cta-btn.btn-primary{ href: '/direction/maturity/' } GitLab feature maturity %script{ src: "/javascripts/rotate-devops_tools.js" } %script{ src: "/javascripts/libs/tweenmax.min.js" }