.value-pillar-group.flex-container .value-pillar.full-width = image_tag "/images/home/pillar-create.svg", alt: "Gitlab pillar create svg" .value-pillar-body %h3.pillar-title Visible %p.pillar-description See everything that matters %ul %li Stay in your flow %li Don’t wait on syncing %li Manage projects, not tools %li Improve cycle time .value-pillar.full-width = image_tag "/images/home/pillar-speed.svg", alt: "Gitlab pillar speed svg" .value-pillar-body %h3.pillar-title Efficient %p.pillar-description Collaborate without waiting %ul %li Start immediately %li Work concurrently %li No more handoffs .value-pillar.full-width = image_tag "/images/home/pillar-scale.svg", alt: "Gitlab pillar scale svg" .value-pillar-body %h3.pillar-title Governed %p.pillar-description Develop and operate with confidence %ul %li Security and compliance already built-in %li Simplify user management %li Expedite auditing %li Act with certainty