%ul.legend-list %li = partial "/images/maturity/planned.svg"   = succeed ": Not yet implemented in GitLab, but on our roadmap." do %b Planned %li = partial "/images/maturity/minimal.svg"   = succeed ": A minimal foundation so people can see where we're going and to validate customer need, and which does not need to be ready for customers to use in production." do %b Minimal %li = partial "/images/maturity/viable.svg"   = succeed ": Used by significant numbers of GitLab team members and users to solve real problems." do %b Viable %li = partial "/images/maturity/complete.svg"   = succeed ": Contains a competitive feature set sufficient to displace other single-purpose DevOps tools. GitLab uses it exclusively." do %b Complete %li = partial "/images/maturity/lovable.svg"   = succeed ": Provides an elevated user experience that customers love." do %b Lovable Category maturity levels will be determined by scorecards generated from user experience interviews.