--- title: The first single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle - GitLab description: “From project planning and source code management to CI/CD and monitoring, GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. Only GitLab enables Concurrent DevOps to make the software lifecycle 200% faster.” suppress_header: true layout: home extra_css: - home.css - merchandising-content.css - bl-modal.css extra_js: - libs/on-scroll.js - all-clickable.js --- - currentTime = Time.now.in_time_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)") - expirationDate = Time.parse("2019-12-05") - if expirationDate > currentTime = partial "includes/home/hero-temp" - else = partial "includes/home/hero" .simple-cta.pullup What is your biggest DevOps dilemma? .container .row.challenge-boxes.u-margin-top-sm .col-md-4.challenge-box.complexity.js-all-clickable .box-image{ style: "background: url('/images/unsplash/data-servers.jpg') no-repeat center center / cover;" } .box-image-title Complex Toolchains .box-heading Your DevOps toolchain is complex, expensive to maintain, and brittle .box-copy With GitLab, you can simplify your toolchain. Ditch the plug-ins, minimize the integrations, and get back to releasing great software. .box-link = link_to "/just-commit/lower-tco/" do Learn More %i.fas.fa-arrow-right .col-md-4.challenge-box.speed.js-all-clickable .box-image{ style: "background: url('/images/unsplash/data.png') no-repeat center center / cover;" } .box-image-title Speed .box-heading Your developers are slowed down by bottlenecks, hand-offs, and re-work .box-copy With GitLab, SCM, CI, security and more are in one browser window. Stop context switching and start collaborating at the point of code. .box-link = link_to "/just-commit/reduce-cycle-time/" do Learn More %i.fas.fa-arrow-right .col-md-4.challenge-box.security.js-all-clickable .box-image{ style: "background: url('/images/unsplash/lock.jpg') no-repeat center center / cover;" } .box-image-title Security .box-heading You are forced to trade speed for security... or security for speed .box-copy With GitLab, you can move security "left" in the development process. Developers can see and fix problems, with security fully in the loop. .box-link = link_to "/just-commit/secure-apps/" do Learn More %i.fas.fa-arrow-right = partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent" .wrapper-dark = partial "includes/contact-sales" .container = partial "includes/home/sdlc" = partial "includes/home/ten-oh-announcement" = partial "includes/recent-posts" = partial "includes/home/feature-group" .bl-modal#form-for-playbook %span.bl-modal-close .bl-modal-content %h4.text-center Download The Remote Playbook Now %script{src: "//page.gitlab.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"} - localvar_form_id = '2430' - localvar_form_type = 'resources' %form{id: "mktoForm_#{localvar_form_id}"} :javascript MktoForms2.loadForm("//page.gitlab.com", "194-VVC-221", #{localvar_form_id}, function(form) { form.onSuccess(function() { dataLayer.push({ 'event' : '#{localvar_form_type}', 'mktoFormId' : form.getId(), 'eventCallback' : function() { document.location.href = 'https://about.gitlab.com/resources/downloads/ebook-remote-playbook.pdf'; }, 'eventTimeout' : 3000 }); return false; }); }); %script{type: "text/javascript", "data-cookieconsent": "ignore"} :plain blOpenModal('.form-lightbox-open', '#form-for-playbook');