layout: value-driver
title: Increase Operational Efficiencies
description: Simplify your software development toolchain and increase operational efficiencies.
suppress_header: true
- value-driver.css
- form-compact.css
- comparison-page.css
- form-to-resource.css
- just-commit.css
destination_url: "https://tools.marketimpacttools.com/go/gitlab/toolchain/"
form_id: "1002"
form_type: "resources"
cta_title: "Free Instant Download:
Manage your toolchain before it manages you"
link_text: "> Thanks for Registering! Click here to view the report."
success_message: "You will also receive a link to the report to your inbox shortly."
%h1 Simplify your software development toolchain and increase efficiency
%p Custom tools, complicated integrations, and siloed teams hinder collaboration and create bottlenecks. In this 2019 survey, read what teams across the industry are doing to increase operational efficiencies.
= partial "includes/form-to-resource"
%h3 What you will learn
%li Challenges experienced by development and operations teams due to toolchain complexity
%li Key recommendations on how you can further optimize software delivery and quality
%li How out-of the-box toolchain management systems combine tactical solutions with strategic benefits
= partial "includes/home/customer-logos-transparent"
= partial "includes/contact-sales"