layout: default
title: GitLab+Salesforce Trailhead DX
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%h1.page-headline GitLab for Salesforce DX Promotional Offer
%h2.page-headline Sign up for 30 days free of GitLab.com Gold to bring modern DevOps practices to Salesforce
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%h3 Existing Salesforce user, but not currently a GitLab user
%p If you have an existing Salesforce ID, click here and register through Salesforce SSO. Once your account is created and you have logged in for the first time, you will be eligible to start a free 30 day GitLab.com Gold trial. You will see a banner to activate your 30 day trial after logging in, please activate that. You now are off and running in GitLab.com! To learn more, check out our blog post and Trailhead Module!
%h3 Existing SFDC user and an existing GitLab.com (SaaS) user, or GitLab Enterprise user
%p Please complete the form on this page using your valid Salesforce ID and a GitLab specialist will reach out to you directly to help get you started with your free 30 day trial.
%h2.centered-form-title Sign up for your 30 day trial
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$('.confirmform').attr('style', 'visibility: visible');
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%h3.centered-form-title Thank you for interest!
%p.centered-form-title Your request has been received. We will be intouch shortly.