--- title: Gitlab.com Release description: “From project planning and source code management to CI/CD and monitoring, GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. Only GitLab enables Concurrent DevOps to make the software lifecycle 200% faster.” suppress_header: true --- - require 'date' - current_article = assemble_release_post(milestones['last'], milestones['next']) %html %head = partial "includes/layout/head" %link{:rel => :stylesheet, :type => :"text/css", :href => "/stylesheets/release-posts.css"} %body{:data => {:spy => "scroll", :target => ".qnav"}} = partial "includes/google/gtm" / blog template .blog.article / body template .wrapper.body .cover{ style: "background-image: url('/images/default-blog-image.png');" } %div{ class: "overlay"} %div{ class: "wrapper header"} %span.date = DateTime.now.to_time.strftime '%b %e, %Y' - if current_article.data.release_number %div{ class: "release-number"} = current_article.data.release_number %h1 = current_article.title - if current_article.data.description %p.description = current_article.data.description .content / - filename = File.basename(current_page.path, File.extname(current_page.path)).gsub("-", "_") / release post content %section.release-post-section #intro %p GitLab.com is currently running the %b #{current_article.data.release_number} release. New features are launched on GitLab.com every week, with a packaged release available on the 22nd of every month. Read on to learn more about the new features available on GitLab.com. Note that it may take a few days for a feature to become fully available on GitLab.com, due to deployment schedule and potential %a{href: "https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/process.html"} feature flags. %p Additional information on = link_to "past", "/releases" releases is available; be sure to check out the %b #{current_article.data.previous_release_number} release for other features we've launched recently. We also have information about = link_to "upcoming releases", "/upcoming-releases" if you're interested in seeing what we are doing next. = partial("includes/release", :locals => { :datafile => current_article.content, :current_article => current_article }) /last section %section#about-gitlab.gray-section .release-row.align-top .column %h3{:id => "changelog"} %a.header-link{href: "#changelog"} %i.fas.fa-link Changelog %p Please check out the changelog to see all the named changes: %ul %li %a{:href => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md", target: "_blank", title: "GitLab Community Edition"} GitLab Community Edition %li %a{:href => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/blob/master/CHANGELOG-EE.md", target: "_blank", title: "GitLab Enterprise Edition"} GitLab Enterprise Edition %li %a{:href => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md", target: "_blank", title: "GitLab Runner"} GitLab Runner %h3{:id => "installing"} %a.header-link{href: "#installing"} %i.fas.fa-link Installing %p If you are setting up a new GitLab installation please see the %a{:href => "/install/"} download GitLab page. %h3{:id => "updating"} %a.header-link{href: "#updating"} %i.fas.fa-link Updating %p Check out our %a{:href => "/update/"} update page. .column %h3{:id => "gitlab-products"} %a.header-link{href: "#gitlab-products"} %i.fas.fa-link GitLab Subscription Plans %p GitLab is available in = link_to "self-managed", "/pricing/#self-managed" and = link_to "cloud SaaS", "/pricing/#gitlab-com" options. :markdown **[Self-managed](/pricing/#self-managed)**: Deploy on-premises or on your favorite cloud platform. {:#self-managed} - {: #core} **Core**: For small teams, personal projects, or GitLab trials with unlimited time. - {: #starter} **Starter**: For co-located teams with few projects who need professional support. - {: #premium} **Premium**: For distributed teams who need advanced features, high availability, and 24/7 support. - {: #ultimate} **Ultimate**: For enterprises that want to align strategy and execution with enhanced security and compliance. **[Cloud SaaS](/pricing/#gitlab-com)** - **GitLab.com**: hosted, managed, and administered by GitLab with [free and paid subscriptions](/pricing/#gitlab-com) for individuals and teams. {: #gitlab-com} - {: #free} **Free**: Unlimited private repositories and unlimited collaborators on a project. Private projects get access to **Free** features, [public projects](https://gitlab.com/explore) gets access to **Gold** features. - {: #bronze} **Bronze**: For teams that need access to more advanced workflow features. - {: #silver} **Silver**: For teams that need more robust DevOps capabilities, compliance and faster support. - {: #gold} **Gold**: Great with many CI/CD jobs. Every public project get the features of Gold for free irrespective of their plan. / default template .social = partial "includes/blog/share" = partial "includes/blog/pager" .wrapper.signup = partial "includes/newsletter-signup.html" = partial "includes/blog/try" - if production? .wrapper.comments = partial "includes/blog/comments" = partial "includes/features/gitlab-ee-trial" / tooltip %script{:async => "", :src => "/javascripts/bootstrap-tooltip.js", :type => "text/javascript"}