title: GITLAB v2.6 released
wordpress_id: 419
categories: releases
wordpress_url: http://blog.gitlabhq.com/?p=419
date: 2012-06-22 04:00:57 +00:00
community: true
Meet the new GITLAB version - 2.6
This release contains almost 200 commits and have a lot of major & minor improvements
Short changelog:
- Better fonts for code/commit browse (Windows, Linux)
- Ability to remove source branch after apply Merge Request
- You can create Merge Request from your last push from dashboard
- Network graph improved
- RSS Feed for dashboard
- UI polished
- Admin area - Search for projects, users
- Legend for Issues & Merge Requests
- Assignee filter for issues
- Bugfixes
- Code refactoring
- Increased test coverage of application
Update from 2.5.0
How to Install
Some screens: