title: "GitLab 8.12 Release Webcast: Cycle Analytics & Global Code Search"
author: Erica Lindberg
author_twitter: ericalindberg_
categories: releases
image_title: '/images/blogimages/8-12-highlights.png'
description: In this webcast, we demo the highlights from GitLab 8.12
In the [GitLab Master Plan][masterplan], we promised to ship the entire development lifecycle before the end of the year. [GitLab 8.12][8.12] is
exciting because it brings us one step closer to realizing our [vision][vision] to be an integrated set of tools for the software development lifecycle.
In this release, we launched the first iteration of [Cycle Analytics][cycle]. Cycle Analytics gives you
feedback on your projects, measuring how long it takes your team to go from idea to production. Cycle Analytics helps you
reduce cycle time, an important competitive advantage in today's development landscape. In fact, reducing cycle time to increase effectiveness is the
very first principle of [Conversational Development][condev].
We also launched [Global Code Search][code-search] for GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE). If you're running Elasticsearch on your
GitLab EE instance, you can now search through all the code on your server.
In this webcast, we walk through our vision, and demo some of the key features from [GitLab 8.12][8.12].
## In this webcast:
- Introduction to GitLab and our vision
- Why Cycle Analytics?
- Introduction to Cycle Analytics
- 8.12 Feature Release Demo
- What’s next
- Q&A
## Recording & Slides
## Key Takeaways
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In case you don't have time to watch the full video, here are the highlights.
GitLab has an integrated set of tools that supports the entire lifecycle of software development, including repository management, version control,
code review, advanced issue tracker, Issue Board, built-in [Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery][cd], and wiki, and now, **Cycle Analytics**.
**Faster From Idea to Production**
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Our goal is to help teams go [faster from idea to production][cd-faster] by building a completely integrated toolset in a single UI.
**10-Step lifecycle**
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We will ship this complete lifecycle in 2016.
1. Chat conversation → [Mattermost ships with GitLab][mattermost]
1. Issue creation → [GitLab Issues][issue]
1. Planning board → [GitLab Issue Board]
1. IDE → [Koding + GitLab][koding] Integration
1. Version control → GitLab Repositories
1. Continuous Integration → [GitLab CI][ci] and [GitLab Container Registry][container]
1. Code review → GitLab Merge Requests
1. Continuous Delivery → [GitLab Deploy][cd]
1. Chatops → We're planning to ship [Cog]
1. Feedback → [Cycle Analytics][cycle]
**New features**
{: .panel-heading}
[Cycle Analytics][cycle], [Global Code Search][code-search], and [Merge Request Versions][mr-versions] are awesome features and you should really check them out.
## Amplify Your Code at GitLab World Tour
Join us for the [GitLab World Tour][world-tour] to learn more about our product vision, talk about changes in software development, and meet
other GitLab team-members in your area! We'll be in three cities:
Register for an event near you:
- [London][london] - October 19
- [NYC][nyc] - October 26
- [Amsterdam][amsterdam] - November 3
[8.12]: /2016/09/22/gitlab-8-12-released/
[amsterdam]: https://gitlabworldtouramsterdam.splashthat.com/
[cd-faster]: /2016/08/05/continuous-integration-delivery-and-deployment-with-gitlab/#from-idea-to-production-with-gitlab
[cd]: /2016/08/05/continuous-integration-delivery-and-deployment-with-gitlab/
[ci]: /gitlab-ci/
[code-search]: /2016/09/22/gitlab-8-12-released/#global-code-search-ee
[cog]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/issues/1412
[condev]: /2016/09/14/gitlab-live-event-recap/#convdev
[container]: /2016/05/23/gitlab-container-registry/
[cycle]: /2016/09/21/cycle-analytics-feature-highlight/
[GitLab Issue Board]: /product/issueboard/
[gitlab-vision]: /direction/#vision
[issue-board-launch]: /2016/08/22/announcing-the-gitlab-issue-board/
[issue]: /2016/03/03/start-with-an-issue/
[koding]: /2016/07/26/koding-and-gitlab-integrated/
[london]: https://gitlabworldtourlondon.splashthat.com/
[masterplan]: /2016/09/13/gitlab-master-plan/
[mattermost]: /2015/08/18/gitlab-loves-mattermost/
[mr-versions]: /2016/09/22/gitlab-8-12-released/#merge-request-versions
[nyc]: https://gitlabworldtournyc.splashthat.com/
[Sid Sijbrandij]: https://twitter.com/sytses
[world-tour]: /2016/09/28/world-tour-amplify-your-code/
[vision]: /direction/#vision