--- title: "We are changing the IP of GitLab Pages on GitLab.com" author: Marcia Ramos author_gitlab: marcia author_twitter: XMDRamos categories: releases image_title: '/images/blogimages/we-are-changing-the-ip-of-gitlab-pages-on-gitlab-com-cover.png' twitter_image: '/images/tweets/pages-alert.png' description: "Websites hosted on GitLab.com with GitLab Pages with custom root domains need to update their DNS A record" --- **GitLab Pages' IP** on **GitLab.com** is changing from `` to ~~``~~! {:.alert .alert-webcast} **Update**: As of August 2018, as a result of the GitLab.com migration to Google Cloud Platform, the IP address for your Pages `A` record has changed to ``. See our latest [GitLab Pages Update](/blog/2018/08/28/gitlab-pages-update/) post. Learn which websites are affected by this change, which settings you'll have to update, and how much time you have to do it. ---- ## What is changing? We are changing the [IP address of **GitLab Pages** server on **GitLab.com**](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/issues/883) to ``. ## Which websites will be affected? Only websites hosted with GitLab Pages **on GitLab.com** set up with a **custom root domain**, such as `example.com`, which has a DNS `A` record pointing to ``, will be affected. ## Which GitLab Pages websites will NOT be affected? No other websites hosted with GitLab Pages will be affected, more specifically: - On-premise GitLab will not be affected. - GitLab.com websites with default Pages domains (`*.gitlab.io`) will not be affected. - GitLab.com websites with custom subdomains, like `subdomain.example.com`, set up with DNS `CNAME` records will not be affected. ## What do I have to do? If you have a [DNS `A` record](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/getting_started_part_three.html#dns-a-record) pointing your domain to ``, edit it to point to ``. If you cannot edit it, delete it and create a new one. ## When will the old IP be deactivated? **31 March 2017 at 23:59h UTC**. ### Can I change the DNS `A` record right now? Yes, and we ask you to do so as soon as possible. Currently we have both IPs working but from 1 April 2017 only the new IP address will work. ### What happens if I don't do anything? If you have a website hosted with GitLab Pages **on GitLab.com** set up with a **custom root domain** and don't update your DNS `A` record by the deadline, your website will be inaccessible from 1 April 2017. ## Why is this happening? Due to recent GitLab.com infrastructure improvements a number of IP addresses, including the one used for GitLab Pages, had to change. ## Questions? Please leave a comment below or in [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/issues/883) thread.