--- title: "GitLab Patch Release: 10.0.1" categories: releases date: 2017-09-24 author: Stan Hu author_gitlab: stanhu author_twitter: stanhu description: "GitLab 10.0.1 patch release resolves one migration issue in 10.0.0" tags: patch releases, releases --- Today we are releasing version 10.0.1 for GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE). This version resolves a migration issue in [this month's 10.0.0 release](/blog/2017/09/22/gitlab-10-0-released/) that [affected instances with inactive LDAP accounts](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/38246#note_41171108). Other than that, this update contains no changes to functionality from 10.0.0. It includes the following fix: - **CE/EE** Fix duplicate key errors in PostDeployMigrateUserExternalMailData migration. ([!14460]) [!14460]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/14460 Thanks to Ian Yang for suggesting a solution. ## Upgrade barometer This version includes a revision to a single migration, but does not require any downtime. If you have already successfully upgraded to 10.0.0, this upgrade will not affect you. Please be aware that by default the Omnibus packages will stop, run migrations, and start again, no matter how “big” or “small” the upgrade is. This behavior can be changed by adding a [`/etc/gitlab/skip-auto-migrations` file](http://doc.gitlab.com/omnibus/update/README.html). ## Updating To update, check out our [update page](/update/). ## Enterprise Edition Interested in GitLab Enterprise Edition? Check out the [features exclusive to EE](/pricing/). Access to GitLab Enterprise Edition is granted by a [subscription](/product/). No time to upgrade GitLab yourself? Subscribers receive upgrade and installation services.