--- release_number: "10.6" title: "GitLab 10.6 released with CI/CD for GitHub and deeper Kubernetes integration" author: Victor Wu author_gitlab: victorwu author_twitter: victorwuky image_title: '/images/10_6/10_6-cover-image.jpg' description: "GitLab 10.6 released with CI/CD for GitHub, deeper Kubernetes integration, group issue board in Core and Free, and lots more!" twitter_image: '/images/tweets/gitlab-10-6-released.png' categories: releases layout: release tags: features --- Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment form the backbone of modern DevOps. GitLab features built-in CI/CD that has received a lot of positive attention from [developers](http://blog.thehumangeo.com/gitlab-autoscale-runners.html), [enterprises](/blog/2017/06/07/continous-integration-ticketmaster/), and [analysts](/blog/2017/09/27/gitlab-leader-continuous-integration-forrester-wave/) alike. But one thing that was missing was that you couldn't use GitLab CI/CD with GitHub.  Well today, we’ve fixed that. ## Introducing GitLab CI/CD for GitHub {:.intro-header} While GitLab works best when you use it [all end-to-end](/handbook/product/single-application/), we also seek to [play well with others](/direction/#plays-well-with-others). In this spirit, we’ve added [CI/CD integration with GitHub](/solutions/github/), and more generally the ability to [integrate CI/CD with other external repos](#gitlab-cicd-for-external-repos) like Bitbucket as well. We see four primary audiences that this functionality is designed for.  ### Open source projects {:.intro-header-h3} If you have a public, open source project on GitHub you can now take advantage of free CI/CD on GitLab.com. As part of our commitment to open source, we offer all public projects our highest tier features (Gold) for free. While other CI/CD vendors limit you to running a handful of concurrent jobs, [GitLab.com](https://GitLab.com) gives open source projects hundreds of concurrent jobs with 50,000 free CI pipeline minutes per month. ### Large Enterprises {:.intro-header-h3} When we talk to our largest customers they tell us that they often have many teams using many different tools. They want to standardize on GitLab for CI/CD but code is stored in GitLab, GitHub, and other repos. This feature now allows enterprises to use common CI/CD pipelines across all of their different repos. This is a key audience and why we’ve made CI/CD for GitHub part of our self-hosted Premium plan. ### Anyone using GitHub.com {:.intro-header-h3} While GitLab is designed to use SCM & CI/CD in the same application, we understand the appeal of using GitLab CI/CD with GitHub version control. So, for the next year we are making the GitLab CI/CD for GitHub feature a part of our [GitLab.com](https://GitLab.com) Free tier. That means anyone using GitHub from personal projects and startups to SMBs can use GitLab CI/CD for free. Starting at 2000 free CI pipeline minutes per month, folks can also [add their own Runners](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/README.html#registering-a-specific-runner) or upgrade plans to get more. ### Gemnasium customers {:.intro-header-h3} We recently [acquired Gemnasium](/press/releases/2018-01-30-gemnasium-acquisition.html). While we are super excited about having such a great team join our ranks, we also want to take care of folks that were using Gemnasium and provide them a migration path. We’ve already [shipped Gemnasium features](/blog/2018/02/22/gitlab-10-5-released/#gemnasium-dependency-checks) as part of our built-in security scanning. Now, GitLab CI/CD for GitHub allows Gemnasium customers that were using GitHub + Gemnasium to begin using GitLab CI/CD for their security needs without needing to migrate their code. ## Kubernetes on GitLab keeps getting better {:.intro-header} GitLab continues to invest in integrating with containerization. In 10.4 we release [Kubernetes Cluster Integration and GKE Integration to General Availability](/blog/2018/01/22/gitlab-10-4-released/#gitlab-clusters-now-generally-available). With this release, we make it even easier for users to use Kubernetes with GitLab. You can now [deploy a GitLab Runner to your connected Kubernetes cluster with a single click](#quick-deploy-of-gitlab-runner-to-kubernetes-cluster). You can also [monitor your connected Kubernetes cluster from within GitLab](#kubernetes-cluster-monitoring) itself. And you can now also [see the IP address of an Ingress controller connected to your Kubernetes cluster](#ingress-ip-address-on-kubernetes-cluster-page), again, right inside GitLab!