--- title: GitLab Resellers description: "Learn about the GitLab Authorized Reseller Program, what markets our resellers serve, and how you can resell our products and services." suppress_header: true extra_css: - community.css - resellers.css extra_js: - resellers.js --- .reseller-hero.text-center .container %h1 Find a GitLab Channel Partner .reseller-hero-content %p GitLab partners with industry leaders in DevOps market. %p Find a GitLab Channel Partner to fit your need(s) for implementation, integration and optimizations services %br %p Interested in becoming a Channel Partner? = link_to "Learn More", "/resellers/program/", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .reseller-category-section .reseller-regions .reseller-region#na = partial '/images/resellers/north-america-icon-filled.svg' %p.region-name North America .reseller-region#emea = partial '/images/resellers/emea-icon-filled.svg' %p.region-name Europe, Middle East & Africa .reseller-region#la = partial '/images/resellers/latin-america-icon-filled.svg' %p.region-name Latin America .reseller-region#apac = partial '/images/resellers/apac-icon-filled.svg' %p.region-name Asia / Pacific .gitlab-content-container .grid-layout.grid-layout3 - data.resellers.sort_by(&:name.downcase).each do |reseller| %a.reseller-item.grid-item{ href: "/resellers/" + reseller.name.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F]/n,'').downcase.to_s.gsub(' ', '-'), class: 'region' + '-' + reseller.region.gsub('-', ' region-').downcase } = image_tag reseller.image, alt: "#{reseller.name} logo" .flex-container.flex-column.reseller-content-container - reseller.contact.each do |contact| .margin-bottom10 .flex-container.reseller-location %i.fa.fa-map-marker-alt %p = contact.address -# %p.reseller-content -# = reseller.content[0...180] + "..." .btn About this reseller -# .animated.reseller-item.reseller-you.region-apac.region-emea.region-la.region-na -# %h3.reseller-you-title.text-center -# Your Company? -# = image_tag "/images/resellers/logo.svg", class: "img-responsive center-block reseller-image reseller-image-gitlab" -# .reseller-content.last -# :markdown -# Are you interested in building a business around GitLab? -# -# GitLab is looking for quality organizations from around the globe with a passion for the development process and open source software to help our customers succeed. -# -# For more information about our reseller program, please see our #{link_to 'Reseller Program page', '/resellers/program/'}.