--- layout: default title: 'Survey Analysis: Results Show How Government CIOs Are Tackling Modernization' suppress_header: true extra_css: - styles-2018.css destination_url: "https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-1OAOL395&ct=190719&st=sb" form_id: "1002" form_type: "resources" cta_title: "Download the report" cta_date: cta_subtitle: link_text: "Click here to download the report." success_message: "You will also receive a copy of the report sent to your inbox shortly." --- .wrapper .page-illustrated-header-container = partial "includes/icons/gitlab-icon-pattern-header.svg" .container .header-container-content %h1.page-headline Survey Analysis: Results Show How Government CIOs Are Tackling Modernization %h2.page-subtitle A Report from Gartner, Inc. .content-container .wrapper.container{ role: "main" } .row .col-xs-12.col-md-6.col-md-offset-1 .content-section %p According to Gartner, “legacy is a financial and technical obstacle to digital transformation and optimization of government. Government CIOs must be pragmatic, outcome-focused leaders who translate technology debt and strategic options into modernization journeys that engage executive leaders and deliver mission results.” %p In this report, Gartner outlines survey findings and recommendations for government CIOs looking to optimize operations and support digital transformation. %h3 What you’ll learn in this Gartner report: %ul %li Top reasons for governments to modernize core IT systems %li The primary approach and core segments for system modernization %li Common strategies, planned and completed modernization, and expected or planned time frames for completion %p Download the report to successfully drive modernization efforts in government agencies. .font-small %p Gartner, Survey Analysis: Results Show How Government CIOs Are Tackling Modernization, Dean Lacheca, 7 June 2019 .col-md-4.col-md-offset-1 = partial "includes/form-to-resource"