--- title: Return on Investment Calculator suppress_header: true extra_css: - roi-calculator.css extra_js: - libs/clipboard.min.js - roi-calculator.js --- .wrapper .container-fluid.landing-container .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .row .col-xs-12 %h1.text-center GitLab Premium ROI Calculator %h3.text-center Calculate the return on investment of switching from GitLab Core %hr %h4.text-center Enter your team size and hourly rate to calculate your return. .row.team-controls .col-xs-6 .form-inline %label Development team size %input.form-control.js-developer-team-size{ type: "number", min: 0, value: 100 } .col-xs-6 .form-inline %label Average employee cost per hour (USD) %input.form-control.js-cost-per-developer{ type: "number", min: 0, value: 75 } .row .col-md-12.savings-banner .savings-text %h3 Provide your team size, developer cost and select features to see your potential savings %p.total-subscription .link-block .text-center %a.btn.btn-lg.btn-red.js-copy-link{ "data-clipboard-text": "" } %span.fas.fa-link Copy link %h4 to share your report .container-fluid.features-list-container .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .row .col-md-12.features-table %table.table.table-striped.table-responsive %thead %th Include %th.text-center Feature %th.text-center Savings %br Per User %th.text-center Savings %br Total %tbody - data.categories.each do |key, category| - category_row_exists = 0 - data.features.features.each do |feature| - if feature.key?("roi_case") and feature.category and feature.category.include?(key) and !feature["roi_case"].blank? and feature.key?("hours_per_incident") and feature.key?("incidents_per_year") - if category_row_exists == 0 - category_row_exists = 1 %tr.category-row %td %input{ type: "checkbox", id: "category-#{key}", checked: true, "data-category-key": key } %td{ colspan: 3 } %h4 %label{ for: "category-#{key}" } = category.name %tr %td.include %input{ type: "checkbox", "data-hours-incident": feature.hours_per_incident, "data-incidents-year": feature.incidents_per_year, "data-link-shorthand": feature.shorthand, "data-parent-category-key": key, checked: true } %td.feature-description = link_to feature.title, feature.link, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener nofollow noreferrer" %br = feature.roi_case %td.savings-per-user $0.00 %td.savings-total $0.00 .container-fluid.buttons-container .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .row %h1.text-center Get GitLab Premium / TODO Tony Fix .flex-container.buttons-container.margin-top20 = link_to "Explore Products", "/products", class: "btn btn-lg btn-red", rel: "noopener nofollow noreferrer" = link_to "Contact Sales", "/sales" ,class: "btn btn-lg btn-red", rel: "noopener nofollow noreferrer"