--- title: Return of Investment suppress_header: true extra_css: - roi.css --- - case_studies = data.roi_case_studies - roi_pricing = data.roi_pricing - feature_grand_total = Hash.new .wrapper.white-bg .container .row .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1 .row.page-foot-container .col-xs-12 %h1.text-center.page-section-header Currently using non-GitLab products? %h4.text-center.lead.page-section-sub-header See how much you can save by replacing other products. With built-in git repository management, social coding, CI/CD, performance monitoring, and more, GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium delivers incredible value at an unbelievable price. .cta-btn-container = link_to "Calculate replacement savings", "/roi/replace", class: "btn btn-purple cta-btn" .container .row .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1 .row.page-foot-container .col-xs-12 %h1.text-center.page-section-header Already a GitLab Community Edition user? %h4.text-center.lead.page-section-sub-header GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium has exclusive features and services that could make your developers more productive and save your admins time. Use our ROI calculator to estimate the value of upgrading to GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium. .cta-btn-container = link_to "Calculate savings of upgrading to EE", "/roi/ce-to-ee", class: "btn btn-purple cta-btn" .container-fluid.case-studies %h2.text-center See why these teams decided to go with GitLab .row.case-study-cards-container - case_studies.each do |case_item| .col-md-4 %a.case-study-card{ href: "#{case_item.url}", style: "background-image: url(#{case_item.cover})" } .overlay %h4= case_item.headline .cta-btn-container = link_to "Read more customer stories", "/customers", class: "btn btn-purple cta-btn"