--- title: Professional Services Full Catalog suppress_header: false description: "Need help installing, upgrading, or migrating to GitLab? We can help with migration services or simply upgrading your current instance." extra_css: - services.css extra_js: - services.js --- .services-page#offerings .page-container.container.services-block %ol.breadcrumb %li = breadcrumbs(current_page) .row .col-md-10.col-md-offset-1 %p This page shows the services offered by GitLab's Professional Services team, along with their maturity and planned maturity. For more details on buying Professional Services, see our %a{href: "/services/", target: "_blank"} services homepage. For more information about selling Professional Services, see our %a{href: "/handbook/customer-success/professional-services-engineering/", target: "_blank"} handbook. These are the current 'off the shelf' offerings. Custom/bespoke work is also available. See the form at the bottom of this page for how to request further information on bespoke work. %br .row .col-md-12 %table.table %thead %tr %th Name %th SKU %th Maturity %th Level %th Category %th Price - data.services.sort_by{ |s| [s.level, s.category] }.each_with_index do |service, index| %tr %td %p %a{ href: service.desc_url } #{service.name} %td %p %a{ href: service.standard_sow } #{service.sku} %td %p #{service.maturity} %td %p #{service.level} %td %p #{service.category} %td - if service.price %p #{number_to_currency(service.price, precision: 0)} - if service.unit per #{service.unit} - else %p Custom .services-form#contactform .page-container.container.text-center %h2 Interested in GitLab Professional Services? Get in touch. %script{src: "//page.gitlab.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"} %form#mktoForm_1476 :javascript MktoForms2.loadForm("//page.gitlab.com", "194-VVC-221", 1476, function(form) { form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) { form.getFormElem().hide(); document.getElementById('confirmform').style.visibility = 'visible'; return false; }); }); #confirmform{style: "visibility:hidden;"} %p Submission received! We'll be in contact shortly.