title: Education Services
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description: "GitLab Education Services"
- services.css
GitLab Education Services
Train your teams to become efficient in GitLab & Concurrent DevOps
= breadcrumbs(current_page)
%h1 Summary
Your teams are composed of highly proficient technical experts. With any comprehensive solution, there is a learning curve to consider. Our product specialists - technology professionals themselves - are available to train your teams to become efficient in GitLab quickly.
%h2 Who is this service for?
Anyone looking to cut "under the curve" of learning not only GitLab but Concurrent DevOps best practices.
%h1 What's included?
%p GitLab offers a variety of training courses depending on your team's needs. In addition, we offer specialized training that can be customized even further.
%p The general courses we offer include:
%a{href: '/services/education/gitlab-basics'} GitLab with Git Basics Training
%a{href: '/services/education/gitlab-ci'}GitLab CI/CD Training
%a{href: '/services/education/pm'} GitLab for Project Managers
%a{href: '/services/education/admin'} GitLab for System Administrators
%a{href: '/services/education/devops-fundamentals'} GitLab DevOps Fundamentals
%a{href: '/services/education/innersourcing-course/'} GitLab InnerSourcing Training
%a{href: '/services/specialized'} Specialized Training
%h2 Interested in GitLab Professional Services? Get in touch.
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