--- title: Benefits of a single applications description: Learn how simplifying your toolchain using a single application can increase your speed while reducing cost and risk. suppress_header: true extra_css: - auto-devops.css extra_js: - features.js --- .blank-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .flex-container.flex-column.justify-center.align-center %h1 Why a single application for DevOps? %p Learn how simplifying your toolchain using a single application can increase your speed while reducing cost and risk. = link_to "Try GitLab for Free", "/free-trial/", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .content-container .content.tile %iframe{ src: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/MNxkyLrA5Aw", height: "315", width: "560", frameborder: "0", allow: "autoplay; encrypted-media", allowfullscreen: "" } .content.tile :markdown ### The DevOps toolchain tax Traditional DevOps solutions require cobbling together multiple tools that were never designed to work together in order to build an DevOps toolchain. ![DevOps toolchain complexity](/images/single-application/devops-toolchain-complexity.png) This leads to having to pay a “tax” on your toolchain made up hidden costs. - Time and cost to acquire point tools - Time and cost to integrate all of these tools - Time and cost to train users on many tools - User context switching between all of these tools - Time and cost to administer all of these tools .content.tile :markdown ### Single application architecture GitLab is a complete DevOps platform designed from the ground up as a single application. From project planning and source code management, to CI/CD, security, and monitoring GitLab’s capabilities are built-in as part of the app so you don’t have to integrate multiple tools. ![single DevOps application](/images/single-application/single-application-all-devops.png) ### Benefits of a single application #### Reduce risk with a single set of permissions Rather than having to manage authentication and authorization across many tools. GitLab has a single login and one place to set permissions so everyone has the correct access. #### Reduce costs with Less administrative overhead With a single application to install, configure, and maintain there’s less administrative overhead. Since fewer staff needed to administer a single application verse a complex toolchain more of your engineering resources can be allocated towards development of features for your users. #### Increase speed with a lower time to resolution When a build pipeline fails how do you troubleshoot? Is it a problem with the infrastructure or did new code fail a test? Perhaps there state in the original specification that needed to help debug. With traditional toolchains the issue tracker, code repository, and CI/CD pipeline are all separate tools. When teams need to troubleshoot they have to pass state back and forth in a ticket because they likely don’t all have access to the same applications. With GitLab, everyone who needs to help troubleshoot a failure has access to all of the data. Pipeline, code, comments, issues, and test results all appear on the merge request so there’s a single view. With everyone on the same page troubleshooting is much simpler and things get up and running faster. [See more benefits of a single application](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/single-application/) .content.tile :markdown ## Get started with GitLab You can [get started with GitLab today](/get-started/). Our team would love to answer your questions on how you can benefit from a single application. = link_to "Get started", "/get-started/", class: "btn cta-btn accent"