--- title: GitLab for Open Source suppress_header: true extra_css: - open-source.css - faq.css extra_js: - open-source.js - libs/tweenmax.min.js - faq.js --- .blank-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .header-content = image_tag "/images/icons/explore-open-source.svg", alt: "Gitlab explore open source svg" %h1 GitLab for Open Source %p GitLab believes in a world where everyone can contribute and like to support those who share our mission. Open Source organizations can access our top tier features, plus 50,000 CI pipeline minutes, for free. = link_to "GitLab for Open Source licenses", "/solutions/open-source/program", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .toc-links = link_to "FOSS spotlight", "#foss-spotlight" = link_to "Popular projects", "#popular-projects" = link_to "What people are saying", "#twitter" = link_to "Get started", "#get-started" .gitlab-content-container.open-source-content.padding-top50 .content.spotlight#foss-spotlight %h2.content-title FOSS Spotlight: Gnome %iframe{ src: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/v6GTrbfe9xk", allowfullscreen: "" } .content.popular-projects#popular-projects %h2.content-title Popular projects .grid-layout.grid-layout3 - data.oss_projects.each do |project| - if project.featured %a.grid-item.tile.tile-animated{ href: "#{project.project_url}", target: "_blank" } = image_tag "#{project.featured.logo}", class: "tile-logo", alt: "#{project.project_name} logo" .tile-content %h3 = project.project_name %p View the project on GitLab = link_to "More open source projects", "/solutions/open-source/projects", class: "btn cta-btn purple margin-top20" .content.tweets#twitter %h2.content-title What people are saying .flex-container %blockquote.twitter-tweet{"data-lang" => "en"} %p{:dir => "ltr", :lang => "en"}> Gnome has moved to Gitlab! %a{:href => "https://t.co/SqvJ8w6tXl"} https://t.co/SqvJ8w6tXl %br/ = succeed "It's" do %br/ — Wilfred Hughes (@_wilfredh) %a{:href => "https://twitter.com/_wilfredh/status/1002284495775682560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"} May 31, 2018 %blockquote.twitter-tweet{"data-lang" => "en"} %p{:dir => "ltr", :lang => "en"}> Great to see Inkscape, the superb %a{:href => "https://twitter.com/hashtag/FOSS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"} #FOSS vector drawing app, doing the ethically consistent thing - moving to Gitlab. %a{:href => "https://t.co/7KiTNV2JcJ"} https://t.co/7KiTNV2JcJ — Dave Lane (@lightweight) %a{:href => "https://twitter.com/lightweight/status/874381422567407616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"} June 12, 2017 %blockquote.twitter-tweet{"data-lang" => "en"} %p{:dir => "ltr", :lang => "en"}> Mass projects migration test to %a{:href => "https://twitter.com/gitlab?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"} @gitlab has been successful, we are now ready for a full switch by next week! %a{:href => "https://t.co/VnuU13Q8Jc"} https://t.co/VnuU13Q8Jc — Carlos Soriano (@csoriano1618) %a{:href => "https://twitter.com/csoriano1618/status/998301363321876480?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"} May 20, 2018 %script{:async => "", :charset => "utf-8", :src => "https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"} .content.quote %blockquote .blockquote-background#blockquote-background .flex-container.flex-column %p "Free software really democratizes things and allows more people to contribute to solving the world's problems." %p.author Nuritzi Sanchez %br President, Board of Directors, GNOME .content.opensource-get-started#get-started .content-section-title-container %h2 Get Started %p We think there’s something magical about building free software with free software. .flex-container = link_to "/community", class: "tile tile-animated" do = image_tag "/images/icons/solid-icons/community-icon.svg", class: "tile-icon margin-bottom30", alt: "Gitlab community icon svg" .tile-content %h3 Community Resources %a.tile.tile-animated{ href: "https://gitlab.com/explore/projects/starred", target: "_blank" } = image_tag "/images/icons/solid-icons/trending-icon.svg", class: "tile-icon margin-bottom30", alt: "Gitlab trending icon svg" .tile-content %h3 Trending Projects .flex-container %a.tile.tile-animated{ href: "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/", target: "_blank" } = image_tag "/images/downloads/logo.svg", class: "tile-icon margin-bottom30", alt: "Gitlab logo svg" .tile-content %h3 GitLab Development Kit = link_to "/blog/2017/11/01/gitlab-switches-to-dco-license", class: "tile tile-animated" do = image_tag "/images/icons/solid-icons/docs-icon.svg", class: "tile-icon margin-bottom30", alt: "Gitlab docs icon svg" .tile-content %h3 Why we switched to DCO