--- title: Auto DevOps description: Auto DevOps eliminates the complexities of software delivery by allowing you to automatically build, test, deploy & monitor using CI/CD best practices and tools suppress_header: true extra_css: - auto-devops.css manual_cookiebot: true --- .blank-header = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-left.svg", class: "image-border image-border-left", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern left svg" = image_tag "/images/home/icons-pattern-right.svg", class: "image-border image-border-right", alt: "Gitlab hero border pattern right svg" .flex-container.flex-column.justify-center.align-center = image_tag "/images/icons/auto-devops.svg", class: "hero-image-large", alt: "Gitlab auto devops icon svg" %h1 Auto DevOps %p Commit your code and GitLab does the rest = link_to "Try GitLab for Free", "/free-trial/", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .content-container .autodevops-animation-container %video.autodevops-animation{ loop: "", autoplay: "", playsinline: "", muted: ""} %source{:src => "/video/autodevops-animation/autodevops-animation.mp4", :type => "video/mp4"} %source{:src => "/video/autodevops-animation/autodevops-animation.ogv", :type => "video/ogv"} %source{:src => "/video/autodevops-animation/autodevops-animation.webm", :type => "video/webm"} Your browser does not support the video tag. .content.tile %p GitLab Auto DevOps eliminates the complexities of getting going with automated software delivery by automatically setting up the pipeline and necessary integrations, freeing up your teams to focus on the culture part. With Auto DevOps, everyone can skip the manual work of configuration such as security auditing and vulnerability testing, and focus on the creative and human aspects of software creation. %p Auto DevOps simplifies and accelerates delivery with a complete delivery pipeline out of the box. Simply commit code and GitLab does the rest. Auto DevOps . . . %ul %li detects the language of the code %li automatically builds, tests, and measures code quality %li scans for potential vulnerabilities, security flaws and licensing issues %li packages %li instruments (for monitoring in real-time) %li and deploys the application %a.btn.cta-btn.accent{ href: "https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/" } Read the docs .content.prereqs.full-width %h1.text-center Setup .flex-container.prereq.full-width .flex-container.justify-center.align-center.full-width = image_tag "/images/autodevops/signup.png", class: "prereq-image full-width", alt: "Gitlab signup png" .flex-container.flex-column.flex-start.justify-center.full-width %h2 Sign up %p Get an account on GitLab.com or a set up GitLab on your self-managed server. = link_to "Try GitLab for Free", "/free-trial/", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .flex-container.prereq.full-width .flex-container.justify-center.align-center.full-width = image_tag "/images/autodevops/license.png", class: "prereq-image full-width", alt: "Gitlab license png" .flex-container.flex-column.flex-start.justify-center.full-width %h2 Get a license %p Install your license to begin connecting your server. = link_to "Get a license", "/pricing/#gitlab-com", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .flex-container.prereq.full-width .flex-container.justify-center.align-center.full-width = image_tag "/images/autodevops/cluster.png", class: "prereq-image full-width", alt: "Gitlab cluster png" .flex-container.flex-column.flex-start.justify-center.full-width %h2 Connect your cluster %p :markdown Connect GitLab to your Kubernetes cluster. Don't have a cluster? Create one in a few clicks with the [GitLab GKE integration](/solutions/google-cloud-platform/). = link_to "How to connect", "/solutions/kubernetes/", class: "btn cta-btn accent" .flex-container.prereq.full-width .flex-container.justify-center.align-center.full-width = image_tag "/images/autodevops/runners.png", class: "prereq-image full-width", alt: "Gitlab runners png" .flex-container.flex-column.flex-start.justify-center.full-width %h2 Install Runners %p Install CI runners to get your server going (not needed on GitLab.com). %a.btn.cta-btn.accent{ href: "https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/" } How to install