--- layout: default title: Supported GitLab Application Deployment Targets description: GitLab supports a wide variety of places where your applications can live. suppress_header: true extra_css: - applications.css extra_js: - applications/broken_image_placeholder.js - scroll_to_top.js --- .wrapper .simple-header %h1 Application Deployment Targets .gitlab-content-container .js-app-list.affix-threshold .applications-info-container.container.flex-container.flex-wrap-md.full-width %p.application-info No matter where your applications live, GitLab provides a powerful set of tools to keep your deployments simple. Whether you are deploying applications to virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, or FaaS offerings, we've got you covered. Check out some of the highlighted deployment targets below, and feel free to add to this list if your favorite is not currently listed! - data.deploy_targets.each do |category| %h2.category-title.js-category-title= category.title.split.map(&:capitalize).join(' ') .category-applications{ id: category.id } - category.deploy_targets.each do |deploy_target| .application.tile .app-image-container - fullpath = Dir.glob('source/images/applications/apps/' + deploy_target.title.parameterize.underscore + '.{jpg,jpeg,png}').to_s - buildpath = JSON.parse(fullpath).join(', ').split('source')[1] %img.app-image{ data: { src: "#{image_path(buildpath)}", alt: "#{deploy_target.title} logo image" } } %h4.js-application-title = deploy_target.title %p = deploy_target.content - if deploy_target.links - deploy_target.links.each do |app_link| %a{href: app_link.url, title: app_link.title, class: 'link', target: '_blank', rel: 'noidex noopener nofollow noreferrer'} = app_link.title %br .js-scroll-to-top.scroll-to-top %i.fa.fa-chevron-up %p.text-center.trademark All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. %script#js-placeholder-image{ type: 'text/template' }= partial '/images/applications/apps/placeholder.svg'