--- layout: feature title: "Review Apps" description: "Transform the way you and your team work" twitter_image: '/images/tweets/review-apps.png' suppress_header: true extra_css: - solutions.css extra_js: - solutions.js --- .page-container.review-apps-container.text-center.animated .container .header-graphic = image_tag "/images/review-apps/icon-header-2x.png", class: "img-responsive" %h1.page-headline Review Apps %h4.subheader Transform the way you and your team work %a.btn.cta-btn.accent{ href: "https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/495" } Strategy %a.btn.cta-btn.btn-white{ href: "https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/review_apps/", :style => "margin-left: 20px" } Documentation .page-container.content-container.text-center.animated .container.steps %h2.page-headline.orange-title What is GitLab Review Apps? .feature-item.col-md-10.col-md-push-1 = icon("review-apps/icon-benefit-1", "feature-icon", { label: "Real data on your project" }) %h3 Automatic Live Preview %p :markdown Code, commit, and preview your branch in a live environment. Review Apps automatically spin up dynamic environments for your merge requests. .feature-item.col-md-10.col-md-push-1 = icon("review-apps/icon-benefit-2", "feature-icon", { label: "Real data on your project" }) %h3 One-click to Collaborate %p :markdown Designers and product managers won't need to check out your branch and run it in a staging environment. Simply send the team a link and let them click around. .feature-item.col-md-10.col-md-push-1 = icon("review-apps/icon-benefit-3", "feature-icon", { label: "Built for managers and teams" }) %h3 Fully-Integrated %p :markdown With GitLab's code review, [built-in CI/CD](/product/continuous-integration/), and Review Apps, you can speed up your development process with one tool for coding, testing, and previewing your changes. .feature-item.col-md-10.col-md-push-1 = icon("cycle-analytics/icon-benefit-3", "feature-icon", { label: "No setup required" }) %h3 Deployment Flexibility %p :markdown Deploy to Kubernetes, Heroku, FTP, and more. You can deploy anywhere that you can script with `.gitlab-ci.yml` and you have full control to deploy as many different kinds of review apps as your team needs. .what-is.purple-section.text-center.animated .container %h2.purple-section-title Watch our webcast! .purple-section-subtitle Hear more about Review Apps and the other new features in GitLab 8.14 %a.featured-item-cta-btn.white-on-primary.btn-margin-top{ href: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CteZol_7pxo&feature=youtu.be" } Watch on YouTube .page-container.content-container.white-bg.animated .container %h2.page-headline.text-center Review Apps %h3.getting-started-subheader.text-center :markdown Review Apps is available in GitLab.com, GitLab Community Edition, and GitLab Enterprise Edition. .row.row-eq-height .col-md-6.feature-item-graphic = image_tag "/images/review-apps/continuous-delivery-review-apps.svg", class: "img-responsive" .col-md-6.feature-item.step-content %p :markdown Review Apps transform the way you and your team work. For developers this means you can kick off your feedback process much sooner. Submit a merge request and preview your changes in a live environment. When you push to master, you'll know your changes have gone through CI testing as well as a live review where the team can make sure things work as planned. For designers, product managers, marketing counterparts, etc., giving feedback just got a lot easier. You won't have to check out branches or set up a staging environment to preview changes. With Review Apps, you click a link and see the live changes. Hopefully, this means you can give more timely and informed feedback.