--- layout: markdown_page title: "Reseller Webcasts" --- ## On this page {:.no_toc} - TOC {:toc} ## Upcoming Webcasts ## OnDemand Webcasts ### GitLab 101 [Watch](/webcast/reseller/gitlab101-for-resellers/) to learn more about GitLab, the first single application to manage all stages of the DevOps lifecycle. ### Introduction to GitLab with GitBasics [Watch](/webcast/reseller/git-basics) a walkthrough of the GitLab user interface, its features and functionality and a demonstration of the GitLab flow for development. Also learn the basics of using Git and how to use it with GitLab. How to configure a local workspace, clone & pull from the GitLab, make local changes using the GitLab flow, commit them and finally push them back to the GitLab. ### Introduction to GitLab's integrated CI/CD [Watch](/webcast/reseller/cicd-ondemand) an introductory course to using GitLab CI/CD, covering the .gitlab-ci.yml file focusing on some commonly used features and functionality and the GitLab Runner. ### Product Tiers [Watch](/webcast/reseller/product-tiers) to learn more about GitLab product tiers and maturity levels. ### Selling the value of GitLab Ultimate [Watch](/webcast/reseller/deep-dive/) to learn how you can help your enterprise customers solve their delivery challenges with GitLab Ultimate. ### Customer case studies [Watch](/webcast/reseller/customer-case-studies/) to hear how three customers leverage GitLab to gain a competitive advantage. ### GitLab's Security features - part 1 [Watch](/webcast/reseller/security-features/) to learn about GitLab's Security features and why they are important to your customers. ### GitLab's Security features - part 2 [Watch](/webcast/reseller/security-features-part-2/) to learn about GitLab's Security features and why they are important to your customers. ### GitLab's security message [Watch](/webcast/reseller/security-message) to learn how to position GitLab’s security message and win business. ### GitLab FY2020 Virtual SKO [Watch](/webcast/reseller/FY2020-reseller-sko) the first annual Sales Kick Off for GitLab Resellers. ### How to run a successful GitLab meetup [Watch](/webcast/reseller/gitlabmeetup-tips) to learn how to organize and run a successful GitLab meet up. ### How to upgrade your customers to a higher GitLab tier [Watch](/webcast/reseller/how-to-upgrade-customers/) to learn how to upgrade your customers to a higher GitLab tier. ### Value framework series - 3 unique GitLab value drivers [Watch](/webcast/reseller/gitlab-value-drivers/) to learn how to leverage GitLab 3 unique value drivers to increase your business. ### Value framework series - 10 GitLab differentiators [Watch](/webcast/reseller/gitlab-differentiators/) to learn how to leverage GitLab differentiators to win more customers. ### Value framework series - GitLab Use Cases [Watch](/webcast/reseller/gitlab-use-cases/) to learn a usage-centric approach when selling GitLab products and services.